The Power of Values-Driven Leadership 

The Power of Values-Driven Leadership
An Article by Stephanie Werner

Founding Partner, Integris Group Services

Have you ever wondered what defines the true power of a leader? The essence of leadership lies in values-driven leadership, where everyday actions reflect our core values. As the Founding Partner of Integris Group Services (IGS), I have always believed that the essence of leadership is not found in grand gestures or major decisions, but in the small, everyday actions that reflect our core values.

True leadership is built in these seemingly insignificant moments. At IGS, we understand that excellence in larger tasks comes from a steadfast commitment to doing the small things wellI have witnessed firsthand how our values-driven approach can transform our organisation and the people within it, as well as the leadership styles of our clients. 

The Foundation of Our Success:

Core Values Leadership at Integris Group Services

When I founded Integris Group Services, I established a firm belief that our core values of Honesty, Integrity, Conviction, Action and Sensitivity would be at the foundation of everything we do.  

Our values are not just words to us; they are our guiding principles, continuing to shape our decisions, influence our actions, and become a clear differentiator that has driven our success. 

Integris Group Services core values for values-driven leadership: Honesty, Integrity, Conviction, Action, Sensitivity

Honesty and Integrity: The Bedrock of Trust

Honesty and Integrity are the bedrock upon which relationships are built. In our interactions with clients, partners, and team members, we prioritise transparency and ethical behaviour. This commitment has fostered strong, lasting relationships and a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness. These principles are fundamental to Values-Driven Leadership, ensuring that our actions are always aligned with our ethical standards.

Often, clients approach us with complex projects that require a delicate balance of compliance and innovation. Maintaining open communication and being upfront about any challenges throughout these projects, we build trust whilst delivering outstanding results. Honesty and Integrity have led our clients to frequently consider us as trusted partners, regularly seeking our advice on critical issues. 

Conviction and Action: Driving Change and Innovation

Conviction and action are the forces that propel us forward. At Integris Group Services, we believe in the power of taking decisive steps to help achieve the goals of our clients, as well as our own. This proactive approach ensures we  remain ahead of industry trends and continually delivering value to our clients. 

It is our ethos that when we are working with organisations facing significant challenges, we don’t just offer advice and recommendations; we roll up our sleeves and work alongside our clients  to implement practical solutions. Our conviction to implementing initiatives and resolving challenges, as well as our willingness to take action have led to significant improvements in the organisations we work with, showcasing the tangible impact of our values-driven approach. 

Sensitivity: Nurturing a People-First and Context Aware Culture

Sensitivity, and empathy, are at the heart of our people-first culture. However, sensitivity also extends to being acutely aware of the contexts and circumstances in which we operate. We understand that our team members are our greatest asset, and their wellbeing is paramount. This is why sensitivity has shaped our approach with our team, especially our inclusive policies, flexible working arrangements, and supportive work environment where everyone feels valued and respected. 

Taking this a step further, valuing sensitivity also means being aware of the unique opportunities and challenges presented by different projects, clients, and environments. By understanding these nuances, we tailor our approach to meet specific needs effectively. This sensitivity is a crucial component of Core Values Leadership, allowing us to adapt our strategies to fit unique situations.

My own journey has taught me the profound impact a compassionate and context-aware work environment can have on a team. This experience has influenced how we treat our team members and clients, always prioritising their health and wellbeing and adapting our strategies to fit their unique situations. It is our goal to continue to create a work environment where everyone working with us feels valued and respected. 

The Ripple Effect of Values-Driven Leadership 

The power of values-driven leadership extends beyond our organisation. By embedding these principles in everything we do, we’ve seen a positive impact among our clients. 

Team discussing values-driven leadership in a modern office setting.

It is our belief that our principles should guide every action, no matter how small. When leaders consistently adhere to their values in minor decisions, they create a framework for ethical behaviour that permeates the entire organisation. This approach is not just about making the right choices when the spotlight is on; it’s about maintaining integrity in the background, where true character is revealed. 

Consider a team project; the success of the project doesn’t just rely on the final delivery but on the mutual respect among team members, daily collaboration, and attention to detail. Similarly, a leader’s principle is reinforced by consistently applying values in daily choices. At IGS, we are committed to Honesty, Integrity, Conviction, Action and Sensitivity in all matters, fostering a culture of trust that extends across our entire network, often inspiring our clients to adjust their own leadership styles and approaches.  

The work we do puts our clients’ policies and approaches into perspective, highlighting the immediate and real impacts they can have on a culture, especially when the policies provide clarity and confidence in decision making. 

We have observed our clients organically adapting to reinvigorate their people-first approach, inspired by our values. As a result, the feedback they’ve received from their team members has been overwhelmingly positive, reinforcing the broader impact of values-driven leadership. 

Adopting a values-driven leadership style can lead to a significant boost in employee morale, a surge in productivity, and a stronger organisational culture, all of which contribute to the overall success of your business.  

Learn how our Values-Driven approach can help you achieve your goals.

Looking Ahead 

As we continue to grow and evolve, our commitment to our core values remains unwavering. They are the compass that guides us through challenges and the anchor that keeps us grounded. Over the years, I have learned that leading with values is not just about setting a good example, but also about being adaptable and open to change. By staying true to these principles, I’m confident we will continue to achieve our business goals as well as contribute to a more ethical, compassionate, and successful business landscape. 

Professionals shaking hands, showcasing values-driven leadership

Values-driven leadership is not just a philosophy; it’s a powerful approach that can transform organisations and positively impact the people they serve. At Integris Group Services, we are proud to lead by example, demonstrating every day the immense power of leading with values. 

Are you ready to transform your leadership and foster a values-driven culture in your organisation?

By adopting a values-driven leadership style, you cannot only improve your organisation’s performance in the short term but also build a strong, sustainable culture that will guide your business to long-term success.  

Let’s embark on this journey together, shaping a more principled and successful future.